Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Hugo and Nebula award winning author Greg Bear. He passed away peacefully on Saturday the 19th with family surrounding him. #RIP
our first Members Only #LiveFromTheBunker -- this is for our new YouTube membership. Join us! See what happens next!
New #BookReview: Strong world-building and a likable manipulating protagonist kick off this first book.
TONIGHT! A Late Edition of #LiveFromTheBunker with a look at Trouble for both Warner Bros AND Disney...
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🚩 https://odysee.com/@SciFi4Me:3/live-from-the-bunker-806_trouble-warner-bros-disney-snow-white:5
🚩 https://rumble.com/v6qhqw0-live-from-the-bunker-806-trouble-at-wb-trouble-for-snow-white.html
7p Eastern #SciFi4MeTV