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Our mission here at SciFi4Me is to provide objective, accurate news and well-reasoned opinions without malice or prejudice. You can disagree with us, and we won't call you names. We respect the fan community, and we promise to deliver top quality news and opinion, and we'll make sure you know the difference between the two.
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A #SciFi4MeTV Programming Note: as of July 31, we will cease broadcast operations and close down the channel. After 14+ years, 11 of those on YouTube and other platforms, it’s time to move on.
We’ve done our best to deliver programs that add value to your lives as fans, and hopefully we were able to bring to the table something unique. But we also have to acknowledge that what we offer just wasn’t finding that much of an audience.
So we pivot a bit. Everything will remain active as an archive, and we’ll be posting written reviews over at for the foreseeable future.
To all of our supporters, both viewers and fellow content creators: thank you so much for being a part of this endeavor. May the wind be at your backs, may your lives be overflowing with fulfillment, and always remember: there are four lights.

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December 13, 2024
Tomorrow 6pE / 5pC on SciFi4MeTV:

our first Members Only #LiveFromTheBunker -- this is for our new YouTube membership. Join us! See what happens next!

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A funny thing happened on the way to the #internet the other day...

LFTB Episode 600!

It's happening tonight!
#LiveFromTheBunker Episode SIX HUNDRED hits your eyeballs at 7pE | 6pC only on #SciFi4MeTV!

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